Sunday 13 July 2008

UV Partyy!

Well, last night i went to the UV party at Trilogy.
I quite enjoyed it apart from the 8,402,084 morons that went.
I managed to get 3 numbers, one of Hayley from work, who although is rather attractive, didn't seem too impressed. One of Rachel, the hot barmaid that i seem to be getting along with, and one of a random barmaid that just wanted my number. As well as this, an old lady kept kissing me on the lips because she wanted a toy boy, it's safe to say that i escaped as soon as i could.
And being randomly stalked on the way home wasn't a bonus either.
And tonight its Julie from works leaving party, apart from the fact i don't know what to wear, I'm dubious about spending a lot of money as I've still got to pay for the damage to the Muppet's car that i crashed into.
And i STILL need to buy plants for my aquarium otherwise my five fish called Lauren will die because there tank isn't big enough, and if they're anything like the person they're named after they will probably die just to piss me off (not Lauren Oakes, before i get lynched).
Only a short blog today, can't be arsed.


Helennn Louise said...

We had fish, we called them Romeo and Juliet... Then Helen and Cassy... Then Mulder and Scully... haha... They kept changing personality. Schizophrenic fish!

Wow.. Sounds like a fun night out..

Maybe I'll stay in when I'm 18...